sábado, febrero 05, 2011

[CPL (Curioso pero de letras)] Nuevo comentario en el blog Crapwords y viajes lingüísticos

Anónimo ha dejado un nuevo comentario en su entrada "Crapwords y viajes lingüísticos":

Hi, I left you a DOFOLLOW backlink on my website. This isnt a spam message, i actually did leave you a backlink on my site. If you check the top of the page you will see "Sites we like" and there will be a link to this site. Would you be kind enough to leave me a backlink? If so my website is http://crush-the-castle.com please use the anchor text "Crush The Castle" for the link and add it to a post or as a widget. Then please send me a email at backlink@crush-the-castle.com - If you want me to change your links anchor text let me know. Thanks

Publicado por Anónimo para CPL (Curioso pero de letras) a las 03:32